sábado, 1 de setembro de 2012

Festival Internacional de Memória Sefardita

III Festival Internacional de Memória Sefardita -- Belmonte, 20 Set. -- Trancoso, Out 20: http://www.jewisheritage.org/jh/agenda.php?lang=1&id=19&e=2012  The event will be held in Trancoso, where the ISAAC CARDOSO CULTURAL CENTRE will be opened on September 2nd. In the course of the opening, two presentations will be made:  On one side, the celebration of the 3rd International Festival of Sephardic Memory in Portugal, scheduled for October 2012, and, on the other side, the launch of national signposting of the Jewish heritage in Portugal, which will comprise close to 1.000 sites in some 20 Portuguese towns and villages.
THE 13th EUROPEAN DAY OF JEWISH CULTURE IN PORTUGAL http://www.jewisheritage.org/jh/agenda.php?lang=1&id=19&e=2012  Subject Matter 2012: The Spirit Of Jewish Humor  The event will be held in Trancoso, where the ISAAC CARDOSO CULTURAL CENTRE will be opened on September 2nd. In the course of the opening, two presentations will be made:  On one side, the celebration of the 3rd International Festival of Sephardic Memory in Portugal, scheduled for October 2012, and, on the other side, the launch of national signposting of the Jewish heritage in Portugal, which will comprise close to 1.000 sites in some 20 Portuguese towns and villages. 

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