terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013

timor lorosae notícias 22 jan 2013


Posted: 21 Jan 2013 02:48 PM PST

José Ramos-Horta e Mari Alkitiri acabam de ser nomeados para a direcção da Fundação Lusitânia para o Desenvolvimento Universitário e Empresarial. A Fundação Lusitânia é responsável pela Escola Amigos de Jesus, um projecto criado em 1992 que, mesmo durante a ocupação indonésia, ensinou a língua portuguesa no país.

Com instalações próprias desde 2008, a Escola, convertida em Fundação, dedica-se à formação de crianças e jovens. Neste momento procura fundos para construir novas salas de aula , um pavilhão desportivo e laboratórios, de modo a responder às exigências do novo currículo oficial. Outro projeto apoiado pela Fundação é o “Instituto de Educação Jesuíta” que se dedica ao ensino de tétum, português e inglês.

O Conselho Científico da Fundação passa agora a contar com duas importantes personalidades timorenses. Filho de mãe timorense e pai português, José Ramos-Horta nasceu em Díli em 1949. Apenas com 25 anos de idade, deixa Timor rumo a Nova Iorque com o intuito de expor a violência da ocupação indonésia, permanecendo como representante da FRETILIN nas Nações Unidas nos anos seguintes. Em dezembro de 1996, Ramos-Horta partilha o Nobel da Paz com o compatriota D. Ximenes Belo, pelo trabalho conjunto na luta pela paz no território timorense. Após a renúncia de Alkatiri ao cargo, torna-se primeiro-ministro de Timor-leste em julho de 2006 e, dois anos mais tarde, foi eleito Presidente da República de Timor-Leste, cargo que ocupou até maio de 2012.

Mari Alkatiri nasceu em Díli, em 1949. Membro fundador da FRETILIN, Alkatiri deu início à luta pela independência em 1970, através da criação do grupo clandestino "Movimento para a Libertação de Timor-Leste". Em 2002, após a restauração da independência, Alkatiri foi nomeado primeiro-ministro da República Democrática de Timor-Leste, cargo do qual se demite em 2006, no decurso de uma crise política. Em 2003, o líder espiritual Sri Chinmoy atribuiu-lhe o prémio “Lifting up the world with a Oneness-Heart”, juntando-se a outras personalidades igualmente distinguidas como Nelson Mandela, João Paulo II, Madre Teresa e Mohammad Ali.

Mais sobre a Fundação Lusitânia 

A Fundação Lusitânia para o Desenvolvimento Universitário e Empresarial é uma instituição de solidariedade social sem fins lucrativos. Tem por missão juntar os activos humanos universitários e empresariais aos activos económicos, de forma a obter soluções integradas e sustentadas de combate à pobreza e à exclusão social. A Fundação emana da Congregação do Santíssimo Redentor - instituição com 275 anos, conhecida pelo apoio aos pobres e necessitados no mundo inteiro, tem mais de 5.500 membros e está representada em 77 países.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 11:03 AM PST

Suara Timor Lorosae - Posting Husi : Josefa Parada

DILI - Prosesu kazu eis Ministra Justisa Lucia Lobato nebe deskonfia Hamosu Korupsaun no abuju poder iha kuatru governu Konstitusional, too oras ne’e kontinua iha prosesu nia laran, ba kestaun ne’e Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu Claudio Ximenes la fo komentariu tamba nia parte la kaer prosesu ne’e.

“Prosesu Lucia Lobato ninian ne’e hau lakaer prosesu ida ne’e, juis sira seluk mak kaer nebe hau la hatene buat ida kona ba desijaun ka rekerementu ruma nebe tama iha neba,” dehan Claudio ba Jornalista Domingo (20/01) iha igreja Bedois.

Nia parte hatete foin lalais hatama rekerementu ida maibe nia parte lahatene buat ida kona ba kazu lucia lobatu ninian tamba lakaer prosesu kazu Eis Ministra Lubia Lobato ninian tamba zuis sira seluk mak kaer prosesu nee’e.

Hatan kona ba preokupasaun balun kona Kazu Lucia nian hamosu diskriminasaun ba povu, tuir Claudio katak Tribunal nia desijaun tenki lao tuir lei no lei fo fatin ba arguidu hotu-hotu defende aan, tribunal mos iha obrigasaun atu halo justisa no foti desizaun tuir prova nebe akontese. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Tersa (22/1). Timotio Gusmão/Lucas da Costa 

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 11:00 AM PST

Suara Timor Lorosae - Posting Husi: Josefa Parada

DILI - Komando Falintil-Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL), Segunda (21/1),  haruka ona ninia membru Bataliaun 1 ba halao Exersisiu iha area Fatuberlihu, Same, tuir Governu nia politika.

Segundu Xefi Estadu Maior Jeneral F-FDTL, Brigadeiru Jeneral, Filomeno Paixao ba Jornalista, Segunda (21/1), iha Kuartel Jeral, Fatu Hada, Dili, katak Exersisiu Cobra hanesan meus ida atu hasae kapasidade, no fo koinesementu ba iha F-FDTL liu-liu kona ba taktiku funu ninian iha terenu. 
“Ami halo exersisisu ne’e durante semana rua nia laran, depende ba diretiva ne’ebe mai husi governu. Bainhira ami hare katak ami nia forsa presiza tan aumenta sira nia koinesementu, sira bele haruka ami halo tan, ba iha semana ida ka rua tan,” nia hatete.

Brigjen, Filomeno informa tan katak, prezensa F-FDTL iha Fatuberliu laos atu fo amiasa ba iha membru CPD-RDTL, maibe F-FDTL ba iha Fatuberlihu atu halao nia aktividade rutin, ho nia tema Exersisiu Cobra. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Tersa (22/1). Oscar Salsinha 

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:54 AM PST

National Times, Opinion - January 22, 2013

Hopes for a stable society depend on wise investment

IT IS almost 11 years since the tiny state of East Timor regained its independence after four centuries of Portuguese colonisation and almost three decades of a brutal and illegal occupation by Indonesian forces. The political system may at last be resolved as a healthy democracy, and the security system is certainly more stable, but much remains to be done in a country that is among the world's poorest. East Timor is a nation in transition. To expect that, just 11 years on, it would be in peak condition, with an economy powering at full tilt and its 1.1 million people wanting for nothing, would be simply unrealistic. It would conveniently ignore the wretched state to which East Timor was reduced in late 1999, when the triumph of a successful referendum for independence triggered murderous reprisals by pro-Indonesia militias.

Similarly, it would be naive to equate the withdrawal of Australian troops - their mission done in terms of restoring security - as signifying all is well elsewhere in the country. Rebuilding civil systems takes much more muscle and careful political and financial management, and that is what we urge East Timor's government, led by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, to concentrate on during this next critical phase.

East Timor's main source of income, for what is expected to be decades, will be oil and gas revenue, much of it from the joint development of vast oil and gas fields underlying the Timor Sea. The nation, however, is embroiled in a high-stakes tussle with the operator of those gasfields, Woodside Petroleum, over where processing facilities will be located. East Timor wants them onshore; Woodside prefers a floating facility. A critical deadline for an agreement looms next month.

Without getting into the complexities of that dispute here, it is worth considering if the estimated $US3.07 billion the East Timor government drew down from the nation's Petroleum Fund in the six years to 2011 has been well spent. We raise this while fully cognisant that the country cannot be rebuilt in a few years, and recognising that there have been significant improvements in some of the crucial social indicators. World Bank figures, for example, reveal Timor's infant mortality rate in 1996 was 149 deaths for every 1000 live births, while life expectancy was just 52 years. In recent years, the infant mortality rate has dropped to about 41 per 1000 births while life expectancy is about 62.5. Infant mortality rates remain unacceptably high, but it would be churlish not to recognise the progress made in a short time.

As well, more than 40 per cent of Timorese survive on less than 88¢ a day, below the designated poverty line, and only about 58 per cent of Timorese adults are literate. Still, younger generations are getting more years in education than in earlier decades - about 80 per cent of those aged 15 to 24 are literate - and in 2009, the government spent a sum equivalent to 16.8 per cent of GDP on education, one of the world's highest GDP-related allocations. That eased to 11.7 per cent in 2010 and has since fallen further.

At the same time, though, East Timor's GDP, valued at $US1.1 billion has increased at better than 10 per cent in each of the past six years (except 2010, when growth was 9.5 per cent). But for the past two years the country has battled double-digit inflation; it is currently about 11.6 per cent.

While there was hefty spending on education in earlier years, the East Timor government's priorities have turned to major infrastructure projects, including building roads, bridges, water and sewerage systems, and electricity networks. These are the kinds of things any modern, developed nation takes for granted, but which are sorely lacking in East Timor.

The first decade of nationhood has been immensely challenging but, as we have noted, progress has been measurable. There can be no letting up. Foreign forces were in East Timor because of the risk of instability in the early years. The transition to a self-reliant nation, however, is a complicated, long-term project, which demands spending on people and on the structures that will provide the foundations for them to prosper. Investment in the Timorese people and their needs, which includes public services of all types, is the best assurance for stability.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:42 AM PST

Francezka Nangoy – Jakarta Globe -  January 21, 2013

Dili, East Timor - State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan is urging Indonesian state-controlled companies to expand into East Timor and tap into the small country’s economy as it starts to develop. 

“We support them [to invest in East Timor],” Dahlan said on Thursday night in Dili after the inauguration of the new East Timor office of Telin, the international operations subsidiary of state-controlled Telekomunikasi Indonesia. 

Telin East Timor offers GSM and 3G telecommunications services under the brand of Telkomcel. 

Indonesian state-controlled Bank Mandiri has previously opened a branch in Dili, while state construction companies Wijaya Karya and PP are investing in construction projects in the neighboring country. 

“They can either invest here or become more active in [project] tenders here,” Dahlan added. 

Wijaya Karya has several projects in East Timor including the construction of the 144-megawatt Betano power plant. 

Dahlan admitted that the Indonesian government had not set any targets for state-owned enterprises, but said, “we are letting them come here to take the opportunity.” 

He encouraged Bank Mandiri to open more branches in districts outside Dili to give customers better access to the bank. 

The minister claimed Bank Mandiri was now the biggest bank in East Timor and should maintain that position. Bank Mandiri currently competes with Portugal’s Banco Nacional Ultramarino and Melbourne-based ANZ. 

He also said East Timor is setting a state budget of about Rp 18 trillion ($1.9 billion), which Dahlan said was large when compared to the country’s population of about 1.2 million people. 

Dahlan’s encouragement was welcomed by East Timor’s government. 

Earlier on Thursday, during a meeting with Dahlan and Indonesian entrepreneurs, Veneranda Lemos, the country’s secretary of state for the support and promotion of the private sector, said the country would welcome more investment from abroad, especially Indonesia. 

“We are neighbors, with similar culture and Bahasa Indonesia is still embedded within Timor Leste,” Lemos said. The minister did not reveal the size of Indonesia’s current investment is in the country. 

Lemos added that there are about 580 licensed entrepreneurs from Indonesia who have opened businesses in East Timor. She said there were incentives for businesses in the country, such as tax brakes and assistance with land concessions. 

Lemos said the country had set up an economic strategic plan to guide its economic development from 2011 to 2030. 

According to the East Timor Ministry of Finance website, the plan includes a targeted 11.3 percent annual average economic growth in the first 10 years of implementation.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:31 AM PST

Suara Timor Lorosae - Posting Husi: Josefa Parada

DILI - Sekretariu Jeral OPMT, Lurdes Maria Alves Araujo, Segunda (21/1), hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru (PM), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha Palacio Governu, Dili, hodi diskuti kona governu nia apoiu ba iha OPMT iha futuru mai. 

Iha sorumutuk ida ne’e, PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ninia resposta positivu tebes, no prontu atu fo apoiu ba iha OPMT nian aktividade, tanba Xanana maka nudar lider no Xefi Governu ba iha Kintu Governu Konstitusional.

“Ami husi orsanizasaun OMPT ne’ebe forma komisaun ida kona ba luta feto iha libertasaun Nasional. Komisaun ne’e hetan apoiu masimu husi lideransa nasaun ninian, maka hanesan Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, Eis Prezidente, Jose Ramos Horta, Prezidente RDTL, Taur Matan Ruak, inklui mos lideransa husi Partidu Fretilin,” hatete Lurdes ba Jurnalista iha Palacio Governu, Dili, Segunda (21/1).

Iha oportunidade ida ne’e, Prokurador Jeral RDTL, Ana Pesoa Pinto, hasoru mos PM Xanana hodi hato proposta  kona ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ninian, liliu ba Prokurador Jeral ninian. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Tersa (22/1). Oscar Salsinha 

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:20 AM PST

Suara Timor Lorosae - Posting Husi: Josefa Parada

DILI - Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) realiza Primeiru Interogatoriu ba suspeitu XD no M nebe deskonfia simu droga kilo rua, nebe haruka husi Nasaun Australia liu husi DHL ho box nebe tau Suspeitu nia naran kompletu.

Tuir Advogadu Suspeitu XD no M, Pedro Aparicio katak suspeitu naun rua hanesan fen ho lain, iha prosesu ida ne’e kona ba involve iha droga maibe iha oportunidade atu defende kazu nee’e tamba sasan nebe mak iha husi nasaun Australia nebe tau suspeitu sira nia naran liu husi DHL ho box.

“Box nebe iha Polcia imigrasaun mak lori ba hau nia kliente, tamba policia sira hare droga kilu rua, ami mos seidauk hatene narkoba tebes ou lae, tamba ita mos lakoko, ita lahatene ninia bentuk nebe hatete deit katak buat nee’e 2 koli,” dehan Pedro ba Jornslista  Segunda (21/01) Iha tribunal Distrital Dili.

Nia hatutan katak suspeitu sira parte Policia Nasional Timor Lesate kaptura Suspeitu sira iha loron sesta liu ba, no loron ne’e kedas suspeitu sira detein hela iha sela Policia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) hodi kumpri lei nebe vigora iha Nasaun Timor Leste. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Tersa (22/1). Timotio Gusmão 

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 10:17 AM PST

Suara Timor Lorosae- Posting Husi: Josefa Parada

DILI - Bispu Dioseze Dili Dom Alberto Ricardo da Silva Hatete, nasaun Timor Leste oras ne’e sai Nasaun Katoliku Iha mundu, Maske tinan hirak liu ba Nasaun Filipina mak nasaun Katoliku iha Mundu, maibe oras ne’e Nasaun Katoliku sira hare Timor Leste Mak sai fali Nasaun Katoliku iha Mundu.

Dom Alberto hatete, foin lalais santo Padre Bentu XVI deklara iha Roma, Nasaun Timor Lesta Sai nasaun nebe povu Maioria Kotoliku iha Asia, tamba padre no madre sira Iha Timor Leste no sarani sira iha nasaun ne’e nia servisu.

“Santo Padre Bento XVI iha Roma, Timor Leste Pais Mais Katoliku iha Asia, tamba misinoriu sira nia servisu mak Timor Leste, uluk Filipina mak sai pais Mais Katoliku iha asia maibe agora proposionalmente Timor Leste Mak Pais Mais Katoliku iha mundu,” dehan Dom Alberto Liu husi Deskursu Domingu (20/01), Iha festa Aniversario Pe. Monterio Iha salaun Igreja Bedois.

Dom Alberto husu ba Timor oan atu agradese ba misionariu sira uluk ninian nomos prepara ba iha futuru, atu Timor Leste sai nasaun nebe mak kolitku liu iha fatin-fatin, tamba oras ne’e Timor sai hanesan nasaun foun iha Asia nebe ninia povu barak liu mak sai katoliku. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Tersa (22/1). Tomas Sanches/Timotio Gusmão 

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 06:29 AM PST

MSE – VM - Lusa

Díli, 21 jan (Lusa) - O Presidente de Timor-Leste, Taur Matan Ruak, criticou na sexta-feira a qualidade dos projetos no país e afirmou que é "deitar dinheiro para lixo", refere em comunicado, hoje divulgado à imprensa, a Presidência timorense.

Taur Matan Ruak falava na sexta-feira em Bazartete, distrito de Liquiça, a oeste de Díli, no âmbito de uma iniciativa para promover o diálogo comunitário e que já levou a vários dos 13 distritos do país.

No encontro, a comunidade queixou-se ao Presidente da falta de qualidade das infraestruturas rodoviárias, do aumento do preço do arroz e da falta de água potável.

"Como Presidente da República, preocupo-me com a qualidade dos projetos em Timor-Leste. É deitar dinheiro para o lixo", afirmou Taur Matan Ruak, citado no comunicado.

O chefe de Estado timorense pediu também ao Governo para dar mais atenção ao "problema".

"Se não sabemos fazer bem, é preferível nem o fazermos para que não seja um motivo de vergonha", acrescentou.

Durante a visita, o Presidente apelou às pessoas para trabalharem "arduamente" para contribuírem para o desenvolvimento do país.

Na quinta-feira, no distrito de Liquiçá, o Presidente pediu ao Governo para dar mais atenção à descentralização da economia para evitar a crescente migração para a capital do país, Díli, e criticou alguns projetos do executivo que "estimulam o ócio".

No âmbito da iniciativa diálogo comunitário, o Presidente desloca-se entre terça-feira e quinta-feira ao enclave de Oecússi.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 06:14 AM PST

Jornal i – Lusa – com foto

O representante das Nações Unidas para a Guiné-Bissau, José Ramos-Horta, admitiu hoje que será difícil mobilizar a comunidade internacional para apoiar o processo eleitoral no país e mostrou-se favorável a um adiamento das eleições.

"Não é fácil (...) devido à crise financeira e económica que prevalece no mundo, em particular nos países ricos amigos e apoiantes tradicionais da Guiné-Bissau. [Será] Difícil devido aos constantes recuos no processo na Guiné-Bissau, alguma desilusão, desencanto", disse o timorense José Ramos-Horta.

O representante das Nações Unidas para a Guiné-Bissau, que falava aos jornalistas em Lisboa, após uma reunião com o secretário executivo da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), Isaac Murade Murargy, adiantou contudo ser possível inverter este cenário.

"Se conseguirmos dar passos positivos nas próximas semanas e meses estou convencido que países doadores como Portugal, União Europeia e União Africana vão retomar o apoio à Guiné-Bissau (...) É possível mobilizar recursos desde que haja um quadro político satisfatório", prosseguiu.

A Guiné-Bissau está a ser gerida por um Governo de transição desde o golpe militar que a 12 de abril afastou do poder o Presidente e primeiro-ministro eleitos.
    O acordo de transição, assinado em maio, previa a realização de eleições no prazo máximo de um ano, mas nos últimos tempos avolumam-se as vozes dos que não acreditam em tal possibilidade.

"Tudo indica que não há meios para que as eleições se realizem no prazo previamente anunciado. Para que as eleições decorram com total transparência e normalidade há muitos passos a serem realizados no terreno além dos aspetos técnicos e administrativos", disse Ramos-Horta.

Ressalvando que são os guineenses que têm que decidir o calendário eleitoral, o ex-Presidente timorense considerou que "as eleições não são um fim em si".

"Além do ato tem que haver todo um processo de diálogo para que o resultado das eleições venha a ser aceite por todos (...) e isso vai levar mais algum tempo", disse.

Adiantou que partilha do ponto de vista dos que defendem o adiamento das eleições "para permitir criar condições ótimas" para a sua realização.

    Ramos-Horta, que deverá instalar-se em Bissau a partir da segunda semana de fevereiro, adiantou aos jornalistas que a sua primeira tarefa passa por "ouvir exaustivamente todas as partes".

Na agenda tem também previstas deslocações a vários países da região, nomeadamente Senegal, Guiné-Conacri, Gâmbia, Cabo Verde e Moçambique, que ocupa atualmente a presidência rotativa da CPLP.

Nos próximos dias, Ramos-Horta estará em Adis Abeba, Etiópia, com o secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, para analisar com a União Africana a situação da Guiné-Bissau.

O ex-Presidente timorense disse ainda que teve já acesso aos resultados preliminares da missão internacional que em dezembro se deslocou à Guiné-Bissau, adiantando que baseará muito do seu trabalho nas conclusões desse relatório.

"A comunidade internacional é muito perentória, clara [na defesa] do Estado de direito e da ordem constitucional, mas também tem o sentido da realidade e de que é preciso dar passos com prudência para ajudar os guineenses a sair desta crise", disse.

Ramos-Horta acredita que os resultados da visita da missão internacional estão "a encorajar o diálogo e a levar a um processo de transição mais inclusivo", considerando que "há sinais positivos" no terreno.

O Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) assinou na semana passada o Pacto de Transição, instrumento que regula o período de transição no país e que o maior partido do país se recusava a assinar.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 03:27 AM PST

A bancada de oposição da Fretilin no Parlamento Nacional (PN), através de Francisco Branco, pediu ao Ministério da Educação (ME), a Bendito Freitas, explicações do número de escolas que estão no processso de reabilitação desde o inicío do V Governo constitucional até agora.

Francisco Miranda Branco disse que o ME tem que dar explicações sobre a situação das escolas, uma vez que a questão da educação é muito importante em Timor.

O deputado de bancada CNRT, Fernando Lay disse que o Ministério da Educação pode dar resposta ao total de escolas em Timor-Leste, ao número de escolas que estão reabilitadas.  

O presidente da comissão F, Virgilio Hornai, disse que a maioria das escolas públicas ainda estão em mau estado, incluindo as que estão em Díli, nos distritos e sub-distritos.

SAPO TL com Suara Timor Lorosa’e 

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 03:09 AM PST

O Comandante-Geral da Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste, Comissário Afonso de Jesus, disse que a falta de recursos e forças de segurança na fronteira tem permitido a entrada de drogas no país, no Quartel-Geral da PNTL em Caicoli, Díli. 

“Muita gente diz que a polícia na área de fronteira não controla a entrada de drogas mas temos de reconhecer também que só temos 236 pessoas de segurança que trabalham na fronteira da parte de Oecusse, Maliana e Cova Lima. Podem imaginar como é que eles trabalham”, salientou Afonso de Jesus.

O Comandante dos Serviços de Investigação Criminal (SIC) e superintendente Calistro Gonzaga aproveitou a ocasião e disse que tinham sido capturados na semana passada cinco pessoas, incluindo duas timorenses que usavam um tipo de droga “sabu-sabu” (cocaína). 

Os esforços para  continuar a capturar  pessoas ligadas a esta rede de drogas vão continuar.

SAPO TL com Suara Timor Lorosa'e 

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 03:04 AM PST

Um dos grupos de agricultores pede ao Governo para manter o programa “Povo Kuda, Governo Sosa”, (Povo Planta, Governo Colhe), com o fim de beneficiar a vida dos agricultores.

Miguel da Silva,um dos agricultores do distrito de Ainaro informou aos jornalistas do Suara Timor Lorosa'e que as condições das infra-estruturas não facilitam a vida dos agricultores que vivem nas área rurais, porque não conseguem vender os seus produtos no mercado. Por isso o Estado deve ir até base para comprar os produtos feitos pelo próprio povo para que possam obter dinheiro.

“Solicitamos também ao Governo para dar a sua atenção sobre a questão da irrigação, para nos ajudar a cultivar a semente de arroz no campo”, disse Miguel.

João Magno, um dos agricultores, disse que a irrigação é uma das questões importantes no processo de produção local, por isso o Governo atráves do MAP (Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas) deve fazer a reabilitação das irrigacões danificadas.

Por outro lado, o chefe do suco de Becoi, José Barros salientou que as infra-estruturas são muito importantes para a vida dos agricultores, nomeadamente os vendedores que querem vender os seus produtos.

SAPO TL com Suara Timor Lorosa’e 

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 02:56 AM PST

Timor Post - Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

DILI - Governu sei fa'an prepagus ou pulsa eletresidade nian iha fatin hotu hanesan prepagus ne'ebe Timor Telekom fa'an iha dalan ibun atu atende diak liu tan konsumidores sira.

“Ami planeia atu hamosu sistema prepagus foun hanesan prepagus telephone nian ne'ebé fa'an iha dalan ibun, nune’e fasil liu ba konsumidores sira atu mai sosa,” Sekretariu Estado Eletresidade (SEE), Januario Perreira dehan ba Jornalista sira foin lalais ne’e.

Tamba duranten ne’e tuir nia parte rekoinse mos katak prepagus Eletresidade nian iha deit fatin, entaun ida ne’e difikulta tebes ba konsumidores sira atu mai sosa.

Nia hatutan, reseitas ne’ebé mak hetan husi prepagus EDTL    nian iha tinan 2012 iha deit orsamentu U$15 mil, maibe ba tinan ida ne’e parte EDTL nia mos sei hola prepagus maske orsamentu seidauk klaru.

Konaba Eletresidade ne’ebé konsumidores barak sei dada illegal, nia dehan, iha ona tekniku sira buka tuir hela para atu hare se-se maka dada ahi illegal ne’e tamba dada illegal ne’e maka fo impaktu ba jerador.

“Ami nia tekniku sira sei buka tuir hela nafatin ba sira ne’ebé mak dada ahi illegal atu nune’e labele difikulta gerador. No husu ba konsumidores atu uza Eletresidade ho konxensia hodi lalika dada tan illegal,” Januario husu. (jos)

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 02:49 AM PST

Suara Timor Lorosae- Posting Husi : Josefa Parada

DILI - Relasiona ho kazu Violensia Seksual nebe akontese Iha Distritu Ermera, Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) la ejekuta pena ba Arguidu, maske Tribunal iha ona desijaun ikus ba arguidu maibe la ejekuta pena tamba arguidu mate tiha ona.

Tuir Pedro Aparicio Advogadu husi Arguidu Belarmino katak, Kazu violensia seksual ne’e akontese iha loron 2/11/2011 iha distritu Ermera, nebe sira hader loron matebian Arguidu  Belarmino halao relasaun seksual ho feto ida nebe mak isin rua.

“ Prosesu ne’e tama tiha ona iha tribunal atu rona desijaun maibe iha loron sesta foin lalais familia arguidu informa arguidu mate tiha ona, ami mai atu rona dezaun husi tribunal, prosesu lee’e tiha ona maibe penal abele ejekuta tamba arguidu Mate tiha ona,” dehan pedro ba Jornalista Segunda (21/01) iha Tribunal Distrital Dili.

Nia hatutan arugidu hetan pena Tinan rua maibe suspende ba tinan lima katak durante tinan lima nia laran labele halo krime, maibe halo krime mak tenki kupri desijaun nebe mak tribunal foti tamba iha prosesu nebe mak iha lezada ho arguidu halo duni relasaun seksual. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Tersa (22/1). Timotio Gusmão

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 02:30 AM PST

ETLJB 21 January 2013 - There follows and English translation of an extract from the book: Timor Timur: The Untold Story, that was published this month by Kompas, Jakarta. 2013. - Pp.110-115: The Failed Dialogue (Dialog yang Gagal) ((full translation of that section))

“After Operation Kikis at Mount Aitana, Fretilin’s physical strength was assessed as significantly weakened. From the data that we had, in that operation the Fretilin side had indeed suffered a large number of casualties. The Korem commander at that time – Colonel Rajaguguk, in his report to ABRI/TNI Headquarters had related in detail the results of Operation Kikis including the numbers of Fretilin personnel shot and killed, those captured alive, as well as the number of weapons seized. The numbers were indeed large considering the strength of Xanana’s forces at that time. ((footnote 7: “It’s indeed true that we suffered a lot of casualties. The number – both guerillas and civilian was quite large ! All the more so because I lost many military and political cadre of high quality. However, many of our armed groups were able to escape” – said Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao in a written interview with the Editorial Team in October 2012 in relation to the casualties suffered by Fretilin in Operation Kikis in 1981.)) However, that decline in strength was in fact only significant from the physical aspect. From the non-physical aspect – morale and fighting spirit, there was no decline. Regrettably, ABRI Headquarters only viewed those results from the physical aspect alone. There was no more comprehensive analysis to assess how Fretilin’s situation was seen from the non-physical aspects following their destruction at Santo Antonio in the Mount Aitana area.

Headquarters ABRI later responded positively to Danrem commander Colonel Sahala’s report in respect of the decline in Fretilin’s strength by significantly reducing support for the conduct of military operations in East Timor. Several TNI battalions were withdrawn from East Timor until their were only five battalions left – ie two organic battalions (Battalions 744 and 745) and three assigned battalions (from outside East Timor) – together with a Nanggala (Kopassus) Task Group commanded by Major Gatot Purwanto. The operational budget also experienced a drastic decline. At the same time, Colonel Sahala was promoted and moved to Jakarta. Later, he was promoted to become the commander (Pangdam) at Manado.

Actually, although foreseen by few, although Fretilin’s physical strength had declined dramatically, in fact its guerrilla activities continued. In Sector East and the Central Sector, they still often appeared and conducted ambushes or attacks against inattentive/unwary TNI posts. In fact, they were successful in achieving a good recovery. The impact - when considering the extent of East Timor’s territory and the inadequate forces assigned, was that the TNI/Polri units and Kopassus experienced difficulties, and were even overwhelmed.

In the middle of this situation, developments arose within the Kopassus Nanggala Task Group. In early 1983, through intelligence operations, Major Gatot Purwanto was successful in establishing communications with Jose da Conceicao – a Fretilin political assistant in Sector East at Los Palos. This opportunity was exploited as well as possible by Gatot in order to find a way to meet Xanana in the jungle. His principal objective was actually to check whether Fretilin’s strength had in fact truly declined dramatically or whether they were still a force that had to be taken into account.

Additionally, Gatot also wanted to sound out the possibilities of ending the conflict in East Timor through dialogue. Following a very tough and complicated process, finally Jose agreed to bring Gatot face-to-face with Xanana. The first meeting between the two took place in thick and remote jungle located between Mount Bibiliu and Mount Mondo Perdido in Viqueque Regency. That location has been called “Gatot”, even up until now.

According to Gatot’s account, although that meeting was very tense, its outcome was very positive. The results of that meeting were immediately reported to the Danrem, who at that time was Colonel Poerwanto – having replaced Colonel Sahala Rajagukguk. The Danrem gladly welcomed this development. Along with strategic steps to resolve East Timor through dialogue, it appeared that the Danrem held the same views as Gatot. Meetings with Xanana were continued. After Gatot had met with Xanana two or three times in different locations, a meeting was quickly proposed between the Danrem and the top Fretilin leaders. A jungle meeting place was agreed. As agreed - particularly for his security, it was Xanana who determined the meeting locations at selected places in the East Timor jungle.

In the complex process of communicating at these meetings, relations between TNI and Fretilin entered a new stage. Through Gatot – regarded as Kopassus officer reliable in matters of combat intelligence, diplomatic access was opened. The opportunity to begin this dialogue later became known by the term “peaceful contact” between TNI and Fretilin. There was a positive hope to end the conflict through dialogue at negotiation meetings. According to Gatot, Xanana had the same perspective and hope as TNI for an ending such as that. ((Footnote 8: Interview with Colonel (Retired) Gatot Purwanto by the Editorial Team in Jakarta on 14 February 2012).

There was a desire – even a yearning, to bring East Timor to a more humanitarian, peaceful and friendly situation for everyone. Base on the concept of Peaceful Contact, TNI combat operations against Fretilin subsided significantly. On the other hand, it’s true that during the Peaceful Contact process, there was a consolidation of power within the Fretilin structure. Xanana was successful with this consolidating – even undertaking a reorganisation. His units in each of the sectors – and all elements of the resistance, especially the clandestine network, increased their activities. Communication between strike units, celula ((Fretilin political cadre)) and the clandestine network increased sharply until a large number of the populace and government functionaries – including Hansip members, had been influenced.

However, before there could be any concrete results from the Peaceful Contact, the Cararas [sic – ie Kraras] Incident occurred that brought the whole process into chaos. Cararas is a village about 15 kilometres from Viqueque Town. The incident had its origin in an invitation from one of the leaders of the Cararas community to a number of TNI [sic] members – including several officers from Viqueque, to attend a party at his home. So, in the atmosphere of the Peaceful Contact – and to maintain relationships with the local leadership, they attended. In the middle of the party atmosphere, an attack against those TNI personnel took place. A number of people suddenly emerged from the dark of night and sprayed bullets directly at the aforementioned officers. They were all killed – apart from one religious officer ((rohani – ie an Islamic “padre”)) who escaped by climbing the branch of a tree next to the site of the party. Up in the dark of the tree – the attackers of the party had used kerosene pressure lamps with very limited brightness, he witnessed how his friends met their end. He was saved and became a witness. Some time later, he suffered a psychological disorder as a result of his traumatic experience of directly witnessing the attack and the brutal murder of his friends.

The Cararas Incident resulted in the immediate collapse of the spirit and the positive thoughts about peace and dialogue. The Korem Commander – Colonel Poerwanto, was very disappointed and angered by the attack and cancelled the efforts for Peaceful Contact ((ie the Ceasefire)). According to retired TNI Brigadier-General Johanes Haribowo – who was the Korem chief-of-staff during the Peaceful Contact period, Xanana admitted that he did not know the reason for the attack and killings at Cararas. He truly was not involved in the incident. On the contrary, he suspected that a third party was behind that incident.

Moreover, it cannot be excluded that foreign forces were successful in infiltrating the Fretilin group and setting in motion the Cararas Incident. And so, the opportunity and hope to end the East Timor conflict through peaceful dialogue was obliterated. Peaceful Contact was in disarray and failed. Armed conflict, violence, and killing by both sides occurred again.”

Translation by Ernie Chamberlain, January 2013.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 02:20 AM PST

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta - Mon, January 21

An environmental group in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) said that it would file a report to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) over alleged gratuities given by Thailand-based oil and gas producer PTTEP Australasia to a number of parties in Indonesia.

PTTEP Australiasia is responsible for the Montara oil spill in the Timor Sea, off the northern coast of Western Australia.

The environmental group in question, Ocean Watch Indonesia (OWI), alleged that the oil and gas company had paid gratuities to certain individuals to prevent them from speaking about the magnitude of the damage from the spill.

“The case has been going on for four years, but we haven’t seen any efforts by the company, the Indonesian government or the Australian government to settle the problem. We suspect that there is a conspiracy resulting from the gratuities given,” executive director of OWI Herman Jaya said as quoted by Antara news agency.

Herman said that the KPK should launch an investigation into a possible case of graft that resulted in no progress in the oil spill investigation.

The group said that the company’s account of the disaster, published on a PTTEP AA Fact Sheet, could be used as a starting point for the KPK to begin investigations.

The report said there was no scientific evidence to verify that the oil spill had brought environmental degradation to Indonesian waters, Herman said.

The OWI alleged that one of the country’s top universities was responsible for authoring the report and was willing to do so only after payment from the company.

Earlier, fishermen who earned a living from catching fish or farming seaweed in the south of East Nusa Tenggara, had filed a lawsuit at the Australian Federal Court against PTTEP Australasia, after the company stated that it would not pay compensation to victims who had suffered from the impact of the oil spill since Aug. 21, 2009.

The lawsuit also demanded that PTTEP Australasia hire an independent team comprising of scientists from Indonesia, Australia, Timor Leste and the US to conduct scientific research to determine the impacts of the pollution in a scientific, transparent and accountable manner. 

On Aug. 31, 2012, PTTEP Australasia accepted fines totalling A$510,000 (US$536,010) handed down by the Darwin Magistrates’ Court for its responsibility in the 2009 Montara incident.

In Dec. 2010, then transportation minister Freddy Numberi said that PTTEP Australasia had acknowledged responsibility for the oil spill.

Freddy said that the government had demanded Rp 23 trillion ($2.56 billion) in compensation from the company to repair the damage.

PTTEP Australasia’s oil platform in the Montara field, off Australia’s northern coast, exploded and spilled more than 500,000 liters of crude oil per day into the Timor Sea in August 2009.

Oil and gas leaks continued for 74 days until Nov. 3, 2009, and a permanent cap was installed a month later.

The oil rig, called the West Atlas, is owned by Seadrill, a Norwegian-Bermudan offshore drilling company, and operated by PTTEP Australasia, a subsidiary of the Thai-owned oil and gas company PTT.

Thirty eight percent of Indonesia’s marine territory in the Timor Sea was reportedly affected by the spill.

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